
Volkshochschule Jena
Eine Einrichtung von JenaKultur.
Grietgasse 17a
07743 Jena

Tel. +49 3641 49-8200
Fax +49 3641 49-8205

Leitung und Pressekontakt

Dr. Angela Anding
Tel. +49 3641 49-8210

Friedrun Vollmer
Carsten Müller
Jana Gründig

Montag 10 - 16 Uhr
Dienstag 13 - 16 Uhr
Mittwoch 10 - 13 Uhr
Donnerstag 13 - 18 Uhr
Freitag 10 - 12 Uhr

Montag 10 - 16 Uhr
Dienstag 13 - 16 Uhr
Mittwoch 10 - 13 Uhr
Donnerstag 13 - 16 Uhr
Freitag geschlossen


Programmübersicht | Programm | Sprachen | Englisch | English for the job

Plätze frei Persuasive Conversation and Writing! - Workshop - Kleingruppe (online) (25F406080)

Di. 25.02.2025 (18:00 - 19:30 Uhr) - Di. 25.03.2025
Dozent: Michael Lederer

Language is a powerful mechanism for living and surviving in this world and it allows us to achieve different goals. Therefore, persuasion is the key to convey and negotiate meaning as it shows a person’s identity. Language also plays an important role in cultural terms thus; it counts as one of the Future Skills needed in the near future.

Michael Lederer, a famous American writer, described as „Michael Lederer ein wahrer Archäologe unter den großen amerikanischen Schriftstellern“ by Die Welt, May 5, 2012 explains how to persuade to reach what you want when you talk and write in every dimension of life! Come in, enjoy and interact!

Requirements: Knowledge of English at an accomplished B1 level
Language of instruction: English

For questions do not hesitate to contact Aglaya Weidner at or +49 3641 498211

Plätze frei Persuasive Writing! - Writing Workshop - Kleingruppe (online) (25F406081)

Do. 27.02.2025 (18:00 - 19:30 Uhr) - Do. 27.03.2025
Dozent: Michael Lederer

Language is a powerful mechanism for living and surviving in this world and it allows us to achieve different goals. Therefore, persuasion is the key to convey and negotiate meaning as it shows a person’s identity. Language also plays an important role in cultural terms thus; it counts as one of the Future Skills needed in the near future.

Michael Lederer, a famous American writer, described as „Michael Lederer ein wahrer Archäologe unter den großen amerikanischen Schriftstellern“ by Die Welt, May 5, 2012 explains how to persuade to reach what you want when you write in every dimension of life! Come in, enjoy and interact!

Requirements: Knowledge of English at an accomplished B1 level
Language of instruction: English

For questions do not hesitate to contact Aglaya Weidner at or +49 3641 498211

Plätze frei Persuasive Writing! - Writing Workshop - Kleingruppe (online) (25F406082)

Do. 24.04.2025 (18:00 - 19:30 Uhr) - Do. 05.06.2025
Dozent: Michael Lederer

Language is a powerful mechanism for living and surviving in this world and it allows us to achieve different goals. Therefore, persuasion is the key to convey and negotiate meaning as it shows a person’s identity. Language also plays an important role in cultural terms thus; it counts as one of the Future Skills needed in the near future.

Michael Lederer, a famous American writer, described as „Michael Lederer ein wahrer Archäologe unter den großen amerikanischen Schriftstellern“ by Die Welt, May 5, 2012 explains how to persuade to reach what you want when you write in every dimension of life! Come in, enjoy and interact!

Requirements: Knowledge of English at an accomplished B1 level
Language of instruction: English

For questions do not hesitate to contact Aglaya Weidner at or +49 3641 498211

Anmeldung möglich = Anmeldung möglich - fast ausgebucht = fast ausgebucht - Anmeldung auf Warteliste = Anmeldung auf Warteliste - Kurs abgeschlossen = Kurs abgeschlossen - Besondere Anmeldebedingungen beachten! - Besondere Anmeldebedingungen beachten!

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Volkshochschule Jena
Eine Einrichtung von JenaKultur.
Grietgasse 17a
07743 Jena

Tel. +49 3641 49-8200
Fax +49 3641 49-8205

Leitung und Pressekontakt

Dr. Angela Anding
Tel. +49 3641 49-8210

Friedrun Vollmer
Carsten Müller
Jana Gründig

Montag 10 - 16 Uhr
Dienstag 13 - 16 Uhr
Mittwoch 10 - 13 Uhr
Donnerstag 13 - 18 Uhr
Freitag 10 - 12 Uhr

Montag 10 - 16 Uhr
Dienstag 13 - 16 Uhr
Mittwoch 10 - 13 Uhr
Donnerstag 13 - 16 Uhr
Freitag geschlossen
